My Life as a Clone

My Life as a Clone

Author: K.D. Van Brunt

Genre: Young Adult

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual situation where we discover that she’s a ‘clone’ to someone who passed away. The story explores the thin line between reality and deception while Willa struggles to unravel truths of the past and discover her place in the world.

An intriguing read which captivates readers with its storytelling, character depth and lots of unexpected twists and plot revelations. Most of the time I felt like I was watching a movie unfolding on the pages of the book. The author transforms the story and it comes to life right there in front of you that you feel yourself connected to the characters and live the story through their eyes. I completely devoured this book in a matter of hours because of how invested i became in the plot!

I found Willa’s journey quite relatable – from her relationships with people, to self-discovery and exploring the world. The subject of mental health is also prominent and very well handled. My favourite element was her animal companion dog- Rin, and I thoroughly enjoyed their interactions. Their bond was incredible and it truly showed the wonderful and strong ‘human – animal’ connection. Though all the other animals in the clinic she worked with were also amazing!

Honestly speaking, I had completely different expectations for ‘My Life as a Clone’ solely based on its title, however the story took me by surprise and I thoroughly enjoyed delving into Willa’s journey and coming to that unexpected ending! Suspense, mystery and intrigue- ‘My Life as a Clone’ is a wonderful young adult read which I recommend to anyone looking for something unique.

Thank you to the author and for a gifted copy of this book.


Sworn to Forget

Sworn to Forget

Author: Maria Imbalzano

Genre: Romance

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

Sworn to Forget is a book that has it all, illustrating everything one can experience in life – heartbreak, friendship and shared happiness with no guaranteed duration. It’s a wonderful story and a valuable lesson on how relationships sometimes (don’t) work in real life and a story that can take the reader’s breath away at any point from beginning till end. Every chapter is a page-turner and keeps you eager to find out what comes next. I absolutely loved the storytelling!

Nicki Reading is a strong independent woman with a successful career who never commits into long term relationships. The huge change however comes when she crosses paths with Dex Hanover who is desperate to find his soulmate and ready to build a stable family. And while you get the impression that Nicki and Dex are destined for each other, their personal struggles and contrasting views on many aspects of life are the things that make them question everything.

It is a rollercoaster of a book with such a beautiful writing which brings the story to life. I highly recommend it to anyone eager for emotional and impactful read.

Thank you to and Wild Rose Press for gifting me a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.




Author: Sarah Day

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Rating: 4 / 5 stars

“A dragon is powerful, but cut off his head, and it’s useless.”

Selestria is a new young adult series by author Sarah Day which takes the readers on an epic adventure to unknown kingdoms and magical worlds. The main protagonist Saige lives a rather ordinary life together with her parents and sister until one day her whole world turns upside down. One fateful moment pushes Saige, much like Alice in Wonderland, to discover the magical world of Selestria where a wild adventure awaits in the dark.

However, she is first tasked with the venture of solving the mystery surrounding her beloved sister’s disappearance and then accepting the challenges of her future. A future which includes ascending the kingdom’s throne. In the little time she has to adjust to the new world, Saige has to learn Selestria’s history and meet its people. We follow the hardships of a girl who goes from an ordinary student to a princess in the span of a few nights. Besides learning how to rule a kingdom at her young age, Saige also goes through typical teenage struggles like falling in love, parent disagreements, new friendships, heartbreaks and so on.. She is strong, loyal, fair and most definitely proves to be fit for the role of a princess of Selestria.

In a tale filled with political intrigue and kingdoms fighting for the ultimate power, Saige is fighting her way through deception and betrayal in order to restore peace in the kingdom of Selestria. It is a light, thrilling read with a pinch of an epic adventure. The cast of characters goes through numerous challenges for survival but manages to come out victorious at the end of the day. The world building is done in great attention to detail without overwhelming the reader as the author manages to create an incredibly vibrant world which teleports you straight into Selestria alongside Saige on her incredible journey.

Thank you to the author and for a gifted copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


My Year of Rest and Relaxation Review


My Year of Rest and Relaxation

Author: Ottessa Moshfegh

Genre: Fiction

Rating: 4 / 5 stars

Switching up gears with a genre I do not often turn to and reading Ottessa Moshfegh’s infamous “My Year of Rest and Relaxation”. Cynical, very real and heavily character driver – Moshfegh succeeds greatly in her depiction of the dark realities of life – because not everything is rainbows and sunshines, sometimes life gets hard and all we want to do is go into a year-long “hibernation”.

The narrator is young, beautiful, rich – in the eyes of the general population she should be happy, shouldn’t she? Well… she may be taken care of pretty well but the reality is a lot different- she has absolutely no one in her life. Her only “friend” Reva is envious and spiteful. Her love life is a mess and she is constantly seeking comfort in her on and off relationship with Trevor who treats her like an object. And lastly her therapist Dr. Tuttle, who is the light at the end of the tunnel as she is the endless ‘drug’ supplier.

My Year of Rest and Relaxation is an absolutely unhinged story exploring wealth privilege, the monotony of depression and apathy for life. Set in 2000 New York city, our narrator decides to go into full “hibernation” for a whole year with the help of sleeping pills prescribed by probably the most questionable therapist on the planet. So she takes a break from her shitty job which frankly speaking she doesn’t even need as she lives comfortably with her inheritance money. The portrayal of the narrator’s character and her daily struggles is beyond fantastic. We see how she slowly detaches herself from this world and its ‘norms’. Days become nights until she can no longer tell in which moment of life she exists. There is a constant feeling of lethargy, stillness.. and we all patiently wait to see when will the other shoe drop and what will happen next. She is constantly testing the limits of her life – seeing which pills will make her forget the most, what will happen if she blacks out for 2, 3, 5 days in a row.

In her desperate need to acquire more and more medications for her ‘hibernation’ plan, the narrator perfectly masters the art of manipulation. The depths into which she is willing to go in order to detach herself from reality have no boundaries and as the story progress we see her completely new outlook on life. And just when we think that there’s a happy ending to this tragic story, life reminds us that sometimes the worst is waiting patiently for us to happen.

Dark humour, toxic, cynical and absolutely bizarre at times, My Year of Rest and Relaxation will challenge your morals and walk you through someone’s existential crisis. What an absolute gem!


Cinder & Ella

Cinder & Ella

Author: Kelly Oram

Genre: Young Adult Romance

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

“How about, ‘And they lived happily ever after’?”

The way I am swooning and gushing over this modern-day Cinderella meets the prince story!

Cinder & Ella – two sides of the same coin. Though very similar in terms of passion, hobbies and love, both live completely different lives.

Ella is a book & movie reviewer who finds solitude and outlet in her dedicated blog space. Until one day she receives an outrages letter by a guy named “Cinder” who is not shy of expressing his opinionated thoughts on her favourite book story. Little does she know that 3 years later, this very guy will become her best friend – the one she will slowly but surely fall in love with. And though the two have never met, Cinder & Ella cannot deny that deep down they are a match straight out of a book!

Until one day life takes a dark turn and after a devastating tragedy, Ella has to deal with tremendous loss and suffering. Not only does she lose the only person she loved most but she is left scarred for life- figuratively and literally. Something that people won’t let her forget. After spending 8 months in a hospital, Ella is forced to move to LA with her father, who left her when she was just 8 years old. His two stepdaughters put her under constant harassment which contributes to the bullying of her new classmates. From always getting the pity looks to being considered an outcast – Ella’s only consolation is in the face of “Cinder”- her internet best friend.

However, Ella is completely oblivious to the fact that her “Cinder” is actually the hottest superstar – Brian Oliver, who is about to play the lead role in her favourite book series adaptation. Though just like hers, his personal life is a complete mess over which he has little say or control.

“We really were Cinder and Ella. I was the commoner, and he a prince.”

Cinder & Ella is a swoon-worthy, heartwarming and emotional story that will pull your heart strings just about right. It is a fairytale where the “commoner” gets the “prince” though first she needs to learn about love, family, friendship, forgiveness and deal with her own grief. The book follows the hardships of a girl who had everything to someone who is left in shambles, gasping for air and finding a person who is her lungs. I love, love, loved how touching Ella’s story is and it made me tear up a fair amount throughout the book. She is strong, loyal, fair and most definitely the real “princess” of her fairytale. Do yourself a favour an order a copy now because this book was simply amazing!

Thank you to the author and for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
