Gild Review



Author: Raven Kennedy

Genre: New Adult Fantasy

Rating: 3 / 5 stars

Gild is the introduction to a NA Fantasy series written by Raven Kennedy, inspired by the legend of the Greek King Midas who has the ability to turn everything he touches into gold.

The main character Auren is the King’s favourite. His Precious, gold-touched pet who for the last 10 years of her life has lived in a cage, never setting foot outside the Golden Palace. Why? Because she is the one who the King ‘blessed’ with his gift and turned to gold. Her skin, her hair, her body and eyes – everything about her is golden. As a way of ‘protecting her, the King has built a cage inside the castle where she spends her days and nights. Somewhere along the line, she has convinced herself that this is what she wants, that Midas is keeping her safe because he loves her and wants to protect her from the cruel world. Their story dates way back to when Auren is just a homeless little girl living on the streets and struggling to survive. Until one day the great saviour Midas rescues her and she becomes his symbol. Young Midas eventually becomes King through marriage to the princess of the Sixth Realm. However, he still keeps his gold-touched girl living inside her cage.

“Does it really matter if your cage is solid gold when you aren’t allowed to leave it? A cage is a cage, no matter how gilded.”

Blinded by her love, Auren slowly, VERY slowly, starts to realise that he caress more about his power than her actual well-being. The veil starts to lift and the truth shines through. Though Midas has managed very well to manipulate and groom her. The first book is a very long prologue to the actual story. Near the end we meet the greatest enemy – the army of the Forth Realm, ruled by a vicious ruler, King Ravinger. Auren finds herself captive to the army’s commander – Rip, who is willing to negotiate her to King Midas in exchange for something else.

Overall thoughts.. Well nothing really happens? The first book reads as a very long prologue and picks up at around 70-80%. The main character is very hard to like as she is extremely naive and being inside her mind is honestly such a torture.


The Dragon Republic Review


The Dragon Republic

Author: R.F. Kuang

Genre: Adult Fantasy

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

The Poppy War series is a Chinese inspired grim dark fantasy following young Rin who is getting a military education at a prestigious school. She and her friends are then sent to war against the Federation where we get to witness brutal and guttering scenes of violence, fear and horror. R.F Kuang has managed successfully to dive into the dark realities of war and all of its casualties. The first book left me absolutely heartbroken, destroyed and utterly distressed. Not gonna lie I was a bit scared to pick the second instalment, however, it turned out to be even better.

The Dragon Republic picks up shortly after the events in the first novel. Rin is continuing her quest to avenge Atlan’s death for which she blames Su Daji while being under the ’employment’ of the pirate queen. She is still in denial about her actions and refuses to take accountability for destroying the island of Mugen together with all of its citizens. The Cike, though following her commands, are divided and constantly questioning her choices. We see our main characters dealing with the results of the war – the emotional impact of everything that is lost and the political consequences. The empire is unstable, rulers care only for one thing that is being the one with most power and Rin finds herself in the midst of it all. Nezha’s father offers her the one thing she desires most – the opportunity to kill Su Daji. In return she has to become his ‘weapon’ and win the war agains the other provinces. All of his false promises persuade Rin to fall straight into his trap as she ties her life and those of the Cike to his cause. We see her falling back to becoming a soldier and taking orders again. All this with the sole purpose of avoiding making choices and then dealing with the consequences.

The author really tooks it further with the sequel. It is much more fast paced, the world-building is impeccable, the writing is chef’s kiss. There is a lot of politics and war strategising. I highly appreciate R.F Kuang’s way of forcing the main characters to deal with the decisions they make and look at the devastation left behind. I just love her portrayals – broken personalities who are extremely flawed and take questionable actions. I think not presenting them as perfect and putting them on pedestal really distinguishes the series from the rest of the fantasy genre.

Overall, I’ve enjoyed The Dragon Republic more than the previous instalment. There is war, friendship, betrayal, death.. We lose a lot of characters in this book and are faced with the guttering feeling their lost leaves behind. Needless to say this book will make you go through every possible emotion.


Reminders of Him Review

Reminders of Him

Author: Colleen Hoover

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

Reminders of Him is a new contemporary romance which follows Kenna Rowan, a young woman desperately wanting to regain control of her life. After a tragic set of events and one fatal mistake, she is sentenced to five years in prison and we meet her at the end of her sentence. With little money, no friends, no family but a determined plan, she embarks on a difficult journey to the town where it all began. The only place which can connect her to the daughter she lost custody of. Kenna knows her practically impossible task – to regain trust she has broken, to mend wounds which will never heal, to rebuild bridges which are no longer there, however, her one and only goal is to finally meet her baby girl and become the mother she has always dreamed of. Upon arriving into the town, she bumps into a kind, young man – Ledger Ward, who might be the only person able to actually help her. Too bad they share common history and as soon as he discovers who she really is, things get extremely complicated.

I went into this story completely blind, with little expectations behind the meaning of the title. Reminders of Him is a book about loss, loneliness, despair and redemption where we are put in a very difficult situation trying to find out who has ‘right’ in a scenario with no ‘black and white’ sides. This book will make you think and feel helpless, not knowing who to root for or who to blame. It is needless to say that there will be lots of tears- happy, sad, angry but good news is that it has a happy ending!!

Colleen did an amazing job in building Kenna’s character – a broken, vulnerable and damaged heroine who doesn’t allow anything to stop her from going after what she believes in and proving that there is always light at the end of the tunnel even in the most hopeless situations.


Among Shadows Review

Among Shadows

Author: Aline P. Mora

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

Among Shadows is a new fantasy series by Aline P. Mora following a young orphan girl who’s working as an assassin undercover in the King’s palace. Raised by the spy master, Aila has spent all her life learning how to lie, kill, betray and run impossible errands. On top of that, she has a very dangerous secret to keep – her true powers of controlling Darkness. Infiltrating the palace as the niece of the king’s trusted advisor, she receives the opportunity to get closer to the Prince of Niram. However, little does she expect to get attracted to him. This puts her in a very difficult situation as she is torn between keeping him out of her “uncle’s” plans or using him to achieve her end tasks. And to make her life even more complicated, a mysterious captain crosses her path. One unfortunate night she finds herself in the heart of a murder – at the wrong time and the wrong place, which destroys everything she has worked for and forces her on the run. As the story unfolds, we get to see Aila grow as a character and become an even stronger female protagonist ready to defend what she believes is rightful.

Fast-paced, engaging and well-developed plot with witty and relatable characters which will make you easily fall in love. The fantasy world is full of mystery, magic and a prophesy promising a saviour who wields both dark and light. The author tells the story in such a way that every chapter keeps you on your toes eager to find out what’s going to happen next. Secrets are uncovered, unexpected betrayals and a great banter between the two love interests which made me giggle the whole time. Enemies to lovers in the early stages – we love to see it!

I would highly recommend this new series by Aline P. Mora to those of you who love Throne of Glass, These Hollow Vows, Gild and even Game of Thrones. It is such a breath of fresh air in the fantasy genre and I am happy to say that it most definitely took me by surprise. Loved it.

Written by Christine

I’m Christine, an avid book lover and if you are reading this now it means we must have something in common – we both love books! So stick around, leave a comment, and don’t forget to get in touch!

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I absolutely loved everything in this book. It fits just in time for the holiday season with an amazing heart-warming story that would make you laugh, love, dream and in typical Kate Stewart fashion – tear up a little. Eli and Whitney are the definition of right person wrong time and that it is never too late to fight for your one true love. I’m a sucker for second chance romances and it made me so so happy that Whitney made him work extra hard for her forgiveness. Not to mention the freaking SLOW-BURN.. but the payoff was astronomical after all that angst and banter.

“What are you missing? I think it’s me, and I think I’m missing you, and I think we’ve been missing each other for a long fucking time.”

An honourable mention goes to the family dynamic which was perfectly executed!! I laughed out loud every couple of pages and felt like I was there with the whole squad and screaming little kids. Cute romance, Christmas spirits, emotional backstory and characters you absolutely fall in love with the moment you meet them. Honestly from first to last chapter this book was fantastic and I can’t recommend it more.

Written by Christine

I’m Christine, an avid book lover and if you are reading this now it means we must have something in common – we both love books! So stick around, leave a comment, and don’t forget to get in touch!

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