Good Girl Complex: An Avalon Bay Novel Review

Good Girl Complex: An Avalon Bay Novel

Author: Elle Kennedy

Genre: Adult Romance

Rating: 4,5 / 5 stars

Good Girl Complex is a new adult romance release by Elle Kennedy following young, rich and strong-minded Mackenzie who’s spend all her life pleasing mommy and daddy, doing everything she is expected from. Including dating her douchebag boyfriend in a modern day ‘arranged marriage’ relationship. However, Mac dreams of being independent, building an empire- something she is more than capable of.. if only they let her use her own wings of freedom.

Once she moves to college, however, Mac meets a handsome townie who’s anything but nice to her. A little arrogant, incredibly funny and loyal, Cooper Hartley quickly wins her over despite their immense differences and they somehow find comfort in one another. Two opposites of the same coin – one pampered from the day she was born and the other growing up through lots of hardships and struggles. We see their worlds collide and change as their prove to each other that heyy not all rich people are bad.. and not all townies are assholes. For the first time ever, Mac is able to run wild and not suppress her true self, something she has long longed for. And Cooper ends up being the only person who sees her for who she is and supports her decisions. As we follow the story we see their connection grow into something special. Though.. is it fate that brought them together or something else… well, read and find out.

Good Girl Complex is a typical Elle Kennedy read – steamy, funny and delightful. The main characters are well-developed as well as the side characters and now I’m eager to find out the story of everyone in the friends group. Can we get another Avalon Bay novel please? I liked the storytelling, it definitely kept me engaged from the beginning and it was nice to see how the main heroine transforms into a powerful female protagonist.

Written by Christine

I’m Christine, an avid book lover and if you are reading this now it means we must have something in common – we both love books! So stick around, leave a comment, and don’t forget to get in touch!

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My Life as a Clone Author: K.D. Van Brunt Genre: Young Adult Rating: 5 / 5 stars ‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual...

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My Life as a Clone

My Life as a Clone Author: K.D. Van Brunt Genre: Young Adult Rating: 5 / 5 stars ‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual...

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My Life as a Clone

My Life as a Clone Author: K.D. Van Brunt Genre: Young Adult Rating: 5 / 5 stars ‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual...

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Darko: The Sacred Heart of One Johanee Darko Review

Darko: The Sacred Heart of One Johanee Darko

Author: Kenny G. Down

Genre: Fiction

Rating: 4 / 5 stars

Darko by Kenny G Down is a touching coming of age story which provokes the reader and illustrates the ugly truths of the world. Narrated by a troubled man- King Martin, he tells the tale of a unique child born into poverty and despair as well as her incredible gifts. From the moment she was born, young Johanee Darko has to fight for survival in an abusive and cruel world. Her difficult life starts in Desire, New Orleans where she lives an underprivileged life surrounded by poverty and crime. However, despite the situation, Johanee dedicates her life to bring peace, love and preach understanding and compassion to others. Inspired by her willingness to seek positivity in every aspect, King dedicates his life to love and protect her through all difficulties that arise.

Even though she is very young, people quickly come to the realization that she carries a special gift and declare her a modern-day Saint. She succeeds against all odds to become the light in a world full of darkness and bring back hope to humanity through love, kindness and faith.

Overall great character depth, thought-provoking and vivid storytelling which brings to life a fictional character in a matter of a couple of hundred pages. Johanee’s touching story leaves a powerful message to all readers and I feel like the timing of this book is perfect especially when we all need a little reminder to be kind to one another and fight for what we truthfully believe in.

Written by Christine

I’m Christine, an avid book lover and if you are reading this now it means we must have something in common – we both love books! So stick around, leave a comment, and don’t forget to get in touch!

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My Life as a Clone Author: K.D. Van Brunt Genre: Young Adult Rating: 5 / 5 stars ‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual...

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My Life as a Clone

My Life as a Clone Author: K.D. Van Brunt Genre: Young Adult Rating: 5 / 5 stars ‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual...

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My Life as a Clone

My Life as a Clone Author: K.D. Van Brunt Genre: Young Adult Rating: 5 / 5 stars ‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual...

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No Consent Review

No Consent

Author: L. J. Sellers and Teresa Burrell

Genre: Mystery Thriller

Rating: 4 / 5 stars

“A page-turner perfect for all mystery readers with a strong thrive for justice.”

No Consent is a new mystery thriller by Teresa Burrell and L.J. Sellers exploring the corruption schemes in the judicial system through a set of interconnected crimes. Once you delve into the story, it is impossible to put the book down as new clues arise at every page and you just feel the desperate need to solve the mystery and fit all the puzzle pieces together.

The story follows a young man – Nate Conner, recently released from prison after being prosecuted because of an informant placed his holding cell. Once completing his sentence, Nate has to keep in line and get his life back together. However, things get very complicated when he is informed that his little sister has been missing for months. Not only that, but somehow he also gets in the middle of a major corruption scheme in the DA office. With the help of district attorney Clara Hitchens, Nate decides to gather evidence and solve the mysteries. However, misfortune seems to be following him around like a plague and he is once again in the wrong place, at wrong time. Between two murder cases, no directions which will get him out of this mess or find his little sister, Nate is in desperate need for help.

On the other front, district attorney Clara Hitchens is walking on a very thin ice. She is carefully threading thought the cases as exposing the corruption means also going against her boss- Deputy Martin Ramsden. Her suspicion is even more prominent once she digs into recent court cases and notices a common trend: every time a case isn’t going too well, a new witness randomly appears. All this makes her question if the Deputy is planting ex-con informants in jail who are willing to say whatever he needs them to say in court.

With rapidly arising suspicion in the DA office, Conner’s missing little sister and two unexpected deaths, Hitchens and Nate decide to align forces, eager to solve the cases and put an end once and for all. However, little do they know that this goes beyond just one person and sooner than later both their lives are in jeopardy.

No Consent is a perfect book for all my fellow mystery readers with a strong sense of justice. It provides an insightful and shocking behind the scenes of the judicial system. Although multiple storylines are presented, they all fit together seamlessly and give a satisfactory end result to the mystery case. Fast-paced storyline where the authors managed to carefully craft incredible twists and turns which will make you question everything, not knowing who to trust or blame. Overall, a very well-developed concept which successfully indicates the flaws of the legal system and how important it is to fight for what’s right even if all odds are against you.

T.W: murder, sexual assault, violence, drug addiction.

Written by Christine

I’m Christine, an avid book lover and if you are reading this now it means we must have something in common – we both love books! So stick around, leave a comment, and don’t forget to get in touch!

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My Life as a Clone

My Life as a Clone Author: K.D. Van Brunt Genre: Young Adult Rating: 5 / 5 stars ‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual...

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My Life as a Clone

My Life as a Clone Author: K.D. Van Brunt Genre: Young Adult Rating: 5 / 5 stars ‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual...

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Electric Idol (Dark Olympus #2) Review

Electric Idol (Dark Olympus #2)

Author: Katee Robert

Genre: Adult Fantasy

Rating: 4 / 5 stars

Electric Idol is the second instalment in the Dark Olympus series by Katee Robert where we follow the story of Psyche, daughter of Demeter – goddess of the harvest, grain, and fertility; and Eros, son of Aphrodite – goddess of love, pleasure, passion and procreation. It is a modern day retelling set in dark Olympus where Psyche is forced to go into an arranged marriage with the new Zeus and become the next Hera. Eager to escape the set-up made by her ambitious mother, Psyche bumps into the most vicious and notorious man – Eros. The two are seen leaving the restrooms together and in just a couple of hours thousands of paparazzi photos are blasted all over the internet. It is no secret that Demeter and Aphrodite are blood-sworn enemies, so once the later sees the photos, she is quick to come up with a revenge plan and put those rumours to rest once and for all.

Aphrodite’s solution to fix this ‘disastrous’ situation is of course to send her ‘errand’ son to kill the innocent lovely girl. However, little does she expect for her son to finally grow a conscious and set in motion events which will turn the whole Olympus upside-down. Upon meeting with Psyche, Eros cannot but feel entranced by her character and beauty. He comes up with a ‘temporary’ solution until they both can escape unscathed – a fake marriage, present a front so convincing that the whole Olympus will be head over heels with their romance and protect them form his mother’s malicious desires. Though reluctant Psyche agrees to the marriage. And sooner than later they both start to develop feelings towards each other.

Both characters were so easy to love. Psyche is strong, independent, cunning and desperately desires for normality in her crazy life – for a person to love and cherish. Little did she expect to find her ‘person’ in the face of the most notorious killer in all Olympus. Eros, on the other hand, presents a cold and distant facade but is such a softie on the inside. His simple desire in life is to have a family, something which he finds in the eyes of the woman he loves. Ughhh they were so precious!!!

It is a sexy, thrilling and fun story which I am so grateful to have the chance to read before release date. For this, I want to say thank you to NetGalley for gifting me an arc in exchange for an honest review.

Written by Christine

I’m Christine, an avid book lover and if you are reading this now it means we must have something in common – we both love books! So stick around, leave a comment, and don’t forget to get in touch!

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My Life as a Clone

My Life as a Clone Author: K.D. Van Brunt Genre: Young Adult Rating: 5 / 5 stars ‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual...

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My Life as a Clone

My Life as a Clone Author: K.D. Van Brunt Genre: Young Adult Rating: 5 / 5 stars ‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual...

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The Certainty of Chance Review

The Certainty of Chance

Author: Jacquelyn Middleton

Genre: Adult Romance

Rating: 4 / 5 stars

What a lovely read this was! The Certainty of Chance is an absolutely heartwarming story about love, loneliness, longing, grief and how the best things in life usually happen when you are expecting them the least.

A few days before Christmas, Madeleine Joy finds herself in a very complicated situation. She’s supposed to spend the holidays with her sister in Paris, however, due to a volcano eruption, all airports are closed and she has no other choice than to stay in London until she can travel again. Not only that but the period coincides with the one-year anniversary of her best friends death. Needless to say, her joyful spirits are nowhere to be found. Until the stars align in her favour and she meets a kind, sweet British guy who takes her on a journey around London with his black cab.

Madeleine didn’t expect her trip to turn out this way but when Julian Halliwell looks at her with longing and understanding in his eyes.. well.. it is impossible to deny their instant connection. Both characters are absolutely amazing and as cliche as it sounds just ‘made for each other’. Both are respectful, caring, kind and strong despite the few setbacks in their lives. I loved, loved, loved Madeleine and Julian’s relationship. We see them quickly become friends and form a real bond over music, books, art, food and the one thing they both struggle with… grief- dealing with the loss a loved one and having no one who understands you. Mrs Jacquelyn Middleton did an amazing job in her portrayal of grief and left an important message for her readers – Every person deals with loss differently, there’s no ‘time-limit’ for feeling sad, there’s no recipe on how to move on. The Certainty Chance was such an emotional journey which definitely made me tear up a couple of times. So so happy both characters found in each other their ‘safe space’.

I need to add an honourable mention for Julian’s friends which were hilarious and supportive throughout the whole book! And of course not to forget poor little Winnie who also got his happy ending!!

The Certainty of Chance is such an atmospheric book which immediately teleports you there with Julian and Madeleine, exploring London during the most beautiful time of the year! This book put me in a wonderful Christmas mood and now all I dream off is booking a one-way ticket to London for the holidays!! Honestly, the whole time while reading I was thinking what a great movie this could be!

Written by Christine

I’m Christine, an avid book lover and if you are reading this now it means we must have something in common – we both love books! So stick around, leave a comment, and don’t forget to get in touch!

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My Life as a Clone

My Life as a Clone Author: K.D. Van Brunt Genre: Young Adult Rating: 5 / 5 stars ‘My Life is a Clone’ is a new young adult novel by author K. D. Van Brunt which follows a 17 year old girl named Willa navigating a life that isn’t her own. Willa is in a rather unusual...

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