Promises and Pomegranates Review

Promises and Pomegranates

Author: Sav. R. Miller

Genre: Adult Romance

Rating: 4 / 5 stars

Promises and Pomegranates is a contemporary dark romance with a loose retelling of the tragic love story of Hades and Persephone. It is a tale where the ‘anti-hero’ wins the heart of the pure maiden and together they rule and flourish in darkness.

Elena, the daughter to a notorious mafia boss leader lives a rather dull and secluded life together with her family. Even though she has grown up as a pampered princess and all her future has already been outlined by her parents, Elena is no damsel in distress. Being sick of having no control over her life, she decides to act upon her rebellious notions and gives her soul to her Hades a.k.a Dr. Kallum Anderson.

Kal is just her opposite. He is cunning, deceiving, possessive, obsessive and carries a large emotional baggage – from traumatic childhood experience to ruthless teenage years in the mafia world. He owns a heart of stone and swears to avenge those who have wronged him in the past. Until he meets the Persephone to his Hades. A match made in hell. An absolutely chaotic and twisted duo which works perfectly together despite all odds. Being forced into a marriage by a series of unfortunate events, Elena decides to make up the most of their ‘fake’ marriage and find out what makes the great Kallum Anderson so ruthless. Together they learn how to work through their relationship despite all hardships and failures and instead of shying away, they thrive in each other’s darkness.

Promises and Pomegranates is a new mafia romance with filled with blackmail, betrayal, passion and love. We see both characters help each other grow as individuals – Elena become a strong-minded and independent woman while Kal learns how to let go of the past and move to bigger and better things. In the end, Persephone shows her Hades that he is in fact worthy of unconditional love and that she is willing to go above and beyond to prove that to him.

* Please read the trigger warnings before going into this book.

Written by Christine

I’m Christine, an avid book lover and if you are reading this now it means we must have something in common – we both love books! So stick around, leave a comment, and don’t forget to get in touch!

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Sacred: Eslura’s Calling Review

Sacred: Eslura’s Calling

Author: M.C. Beeler

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Rating: 4 / 5 stars

Sacred: Eslura’s Calling is a new YA fantasy series by debut author M.C. Beeler. The story ships you off directly into a magical world filled with strange creatures, adventure, prophesies, ancient enemies and reluctant allies forced to cooperate towards their common goal.

A peculiar young girl – Beatrice Tidal lives with her Foster parents after her mother goes missing. However, her days and nights are filled with visions of a strange symbol that apparently only she can see. Confining this to her foster parents, they decide that a little change of scenery will benefit Beatrice and send her off to a one-week summer camp. During the trip she meets a girl named Reagan. However, little do they know that their destinies are intertwined and that a wild adventure awaits in the dark.

After a series of unfortunate events during the camp, Beatrice runs deep in the woods where she inevitably falls ‘into the rabbit hole’ much like Alice in Wonderland. In an attempt to save her, Reagan follows her friend into the unknown and the two begin a new quest filled with danger and peculiar creatures. During the journey, Bea and Reagan find themselves in the company of Alistair – a lizard, Alpin – a gopher, Barnaby Britto – an Olphin and Mauz – his little toad. The strange group of allies has now to work on a plan to prevent the return of Eslura’s longtime enemy – Obellius Kalaar, who is also on the hunt for Beatrice.

Little does the young girl know that her destiny is already foretold. However, she is first tasked with the venture of uncovering the mystery of her past and then accepting the challenges of her future. A future which includes an ancient prophecy stating that in 14 years, a new Sacred Head would be chosen by Eslura who will bring the book of fire to its rightful place and cast Obellius into oblivion.

The story has a large set of characters and is told in multiple POVs, the world-building is presented gradually which is perfect as the reader does not feel overwhelmed with information. It is a wholesome, thrilling read with a pinch of adventure and perfect for any fans of Alice in Wonderland and The Chronicles of Narnia. I do highly recommend it and cannot wait to see where to story takes us next!

Written by Christine

I’m Christine, an avid book lover and if you are reading this now it means we must have something in common – we both love books! So stick around, leave a comment, and don’t forget to get in touch!

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The Crowns of Croswald Review

The Crowns of Croswald

Author: D.E. Night

Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy

Rating: 3,5 / 5 stars

The Crowns of Croswald is a middle grade fantasy story which follows a young girl who has lived a rather ordinary life as a servant in a castle until one day she has no other choice but to cross the enchanted boundary. Following this, she is invited to attend the magical school – Halls of Ivy, where royals and scriveners study the ways of magic. We then get to see her develop great friendships, discover dark secrets and fight for what she believes in.

What I liked was the magical element which I found quite unique. There are 2 types of magic systems– one depending on the stone colour which you are carrying and the other one depending on the magic in your blood. Needless to say, the talking books were my favourite as well as the magical creatures! Throughout the book there are many mysteries waiting to be unveiled – Ivy is determined to discover why her dreams are haunted by Derwin Edgar Night (I see what the author did there and I love it!) and how the two of them are connected or why are some books taken into The Forgotten Room and being erased from people’s memory? I liked the idea of Ivy and Fyn, I think they work together quite well and I enjoyed their teasing and constant back and forth.

What I think should have been done better is definitely the world building. I missed a bit of details here and there and I think this made the book a bit overwhelming at times. It starts pretty slow but towards the end I was on constantly on the edge and couldn’t put it down! Especially the ending was quite unexpected and I wish to pick up the next book in the series.

Overall this was a light and fun read. It reads very young so I was not the targeted audience but I’m sure I would’ve absolutely loved this book as a teenager. If you are a fan of Harry Potter or any whimsical story involving magical schools, I think this book will be to your liking. I can definitely see the resemblance but it still shines on its own!

Written by Christine

I’m Christine, an avid book lover and if you are reading this now it means we must have something in common – we both love books! So stick around, leave a comment, and don’t forget to get in touch!

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