Burgundy Winters: in Europe

Author: Pranay Patil

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

Burgundy Winters: in Europe is a quick, fast-paced paranormal romance which captures perfectly the intertwined lives of two deeply flawed characters with troublesome past who connect on a personal level and embrace a future together.

Jace Tanner is a famous American rock star guitarist part of Soft Division band. He has reached a point in his life where everything comes crashing down and he has to live with the consequences of his actions as well as those around him. Consumed by grief for the loss of a bandmate, he embarks on a quest for self-forgiveness, peace and healing.

The story takes us on a 15-day journey to Europe where Jace is set upon finding his purpose and will to continue. However, destiny has its own agenda and during his trip to the city of love – Paris, Jace meets an incredibly smart and captivating young woman – Yasmine Belmon, who also happens to be their tour guide. Immediately attracted to one another, both characters soon come to realise that their fate is more or less intertwined and they share a lot of similarities.

Both carry their fair amount of personal trauma and past mistakes but through each other’s support and understanding, are able to let go and move on. Though throughout the story we follow this quickly blossoming relationship of two “lost” souls, the romance is not a focal point of the book. It is perfectly balanced with its redemption arc and how even in the darkest hours there’s always something better waiting for us at the end of the tunnel.

With a little bit of suspense and mystery as well as a fair amount of paranormal events, the author manages to create an incredibly vibrant world which perfectly handles important subject matters such as dealing with grief and teaches readers that it is possible to overcome your personal demons in favour of self-growth and peace. As two people who deeply yearn for love, Jace and Yasmine form a strong bond and relationship build on trust and hope. I enjoyed greatly Pranay Patil’s debut novel and highly recommend to anyone who is in search for a fast-paced, captivating paranormal romance!

Thank you to the author and Bookstagrammers.com for a gifted copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

TW: substance abuse, addiction, loss of a friend, overdose, grief



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