Cinder & Ella

Author: Kelly Oram

Genre: Young Adult Romance

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

“How about, ‘And they lived happily ever after’?”

The way I am swooning and gushing over this modern-day Cinderella meets the prince story!

Cinder & Ella – two sides of the same coin. Though very similar in terms of passion, hobbies and love, both live completely different lives.

Ella is a book & movie reviewer who finds solitude and outlet in her dedicated blog space. Until one day she receives an outrages letter by a guy named “Cinder” who is not shy of expressing his opinionated thoughts on her favourite book story. Little does she know that 3 years later, this very guy will become her best friend – the one she will slowly but surely fall in love with. And though the two have never met, Cinder & Ella cannot deny that deep down they are a match straight out of a book!

Until one day life takes a dark turn and after a devastating tragedy, Ella has to deal with tremendous loss and suffering. Not only does she lose the only person she loved most but she is left scarred for life- figuratively and literally. Something that people won’t let her forget. After spending 8 months in a hospital, Ella is forced to move to LA with her father, who left her when she was just 8 years old. His two stepdaughters put her under constant harassment which contributes to the bullying of her new classmates. From always getting the pity looks to being considered an outcast – Ella’s only consolation is in the face of “Cinder”- her internet best friend.

However, Ella is completely oblivious to the fact that her “Cinder” is actually the hottest superstar – Brian Oliver, who is about to play the lead role in her favourite book series adaptation. Though just like hers, his personal life is a complete mess over which he has little say or control.

“We really were Cinder and Ella. I was the commoner, and he a prince.”

Cinder & Ella is a swoon-worthy, heartwarming and emotional story that will pull your heart strings just about right. It is a fairytale where the “commoner” gets the “prince” though first she needs to learn about love, family, friendship, forgiveness and deal with her own grief. The book follows the hardships of a girl who had everything to someone who is left in shambles, gasping for air and finding a person who is her lungs. I love, love, loved how touching Ella’s story is and it made me tear up a fair amount throughout the book. She is strong, loyal, fair and most definitely the real “princess” of her fairytale. Do yourself a favour an order a copy now because this book was simply amazing!

Thank you to the author and for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!



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