Reminders of Him

Author: Colleen Hoover

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

Reminders of Him is a new contemporary romance which follows Kenna Rowan, a young woman desperately wanting to regain control of her life. After a tragic set of events and one fatal mistake, she is sentenced to five years in prison and we meet her at the end of her sentence. With little money, no friends, no family but a determined plan, she embarks on a difficult journey to the town where it all began. The only place which can connect her to the daughter she lost custody of. Kenna knows her practically impossible task – to regain trust she has broken, to mend wounds which will never heal, to rebuild bridges which are no longer there, however, her one and only goal is to finally meet her baby girl and become the mother she has always dreamed of. Upon arriving into the town, she bumps into a kind, young man – Ledger Ward, who might be the only person able to actually help her. Too bad they share common history and as soon as he discovers who she really is, things get extremely complicated.

I went into this story completely blind, with little expectations behind the meaning of the title. Reminders of Him is a book about loss, loneliness, despair and redemption where we are put in a very difficult situation trying to find out who has ‘right’ in a scenario with no ‘black and white’ sides. This book will make you think and feel helpless, not knowing who to root for or who to blame. It is needless to say that there will be lots of tears- happy, sad, angry but good news is that it has a happy ending!!

Colleen did an amazing job in building Kenna’s character – a broken, vulnerable and damaged heroine who doesn’t allow anything to stop her from going after what she believes in and proving that there is always light at the end of the tunnel even in the most hopeless situations.



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