SAFE from the Pain

Author: Poonam Bhuchar

Genre: Non-Fiction

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

Safe from the Pain is an extremely valuable book which delves into difficult topics such as physical and SA, suicide attempts, a life under limits and dealing with emotional trauma.

This book felt very special, personal.. because the author allowed us readers to take a glimpse into her own life struggles. At times I felt like an intruder into someone’s vulnerability, as if I am right there along her on this difficult yet important journey.

It illustrates how deeply emotional pain can affect us as human beings and our daily lives – something which you cannot easily escape and put aside. It takes a healing process, the right mindset and guidance to achieve inner peace. And this is exactly what the author delivers to her readers. Safe from the Pain is short but extremely impactful. Usually non-fiction books tend to fall on the ‘more difficult to read’ side of literature but here this was not the case. It is very fast – paced and engaging. Through sharing her inspirational message Poonam Bhuchar teaches readers what is the power of their inner thoughts and how strong we can become as people if we manage to have the right mindset. The book includes valuable lessons and excersies on self-development, finding a place in society despite having a “baggage” and most importantly practicing equal love and respect towards yourself as you do to others.

I don’t normally gravitate towards self-help books but this one was very meaningful to me because of its central topics. And I highly appreciate the author’s ability to share her story and inspire others. Often people do not realise how difficult it is to open about such experiences even if it is to install strength, courage, hope. It is important to keep a reminder that there is always something better waiting for us and all we need to do is find strength in ourselves to reach for it. The SAFE method is simple yet effective way to take measures into your own hands and overcome emotional pain.


Thank you to the author and for gifting me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!




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