Sing for Me

Author: Maggie Clare

Genre: Adult Romance

Rating: 4,5 / 5 stars

Jake encounters Fiona at a wedding and while completely taken aback by her singing performance, he can’t also deny that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Fiona on the other hand is not interested in his flirtation attempts and can’t be easily to charmed despite his best efforts. Though with some convincing by her friends, she gives him a chance and soon after that the two become inseparable.

Jake and Fiona are the two opposites of the same coin. Their chemistry builds up rapidly and it is not possible to deny their great attraction. So from something that was supposed to be temporary both develop feelings for each other. And even with Jake getting deployed in the military, they still decide to give their relationship a go.

The story spans over a period of a few years where we follow the ups and downs of a long-distance relationship. The longing, the love, the heartache… You might get quickly immersed into their swoon-worthy love story but just like everything in real life, it is not always rainbows and sunshine. Now 4 years later, both of their lives look significantly different. Jake and Fiona, similar to their relationship, go through extreme difficulties and struggles. They are faced with life changing experiences forcing them to endure not only physical but mental changes.

It is very fast-paced and easy to read. The first half focuses on building up the romantic relationship between the two characters while the second half is more suspenseful, mysterious.. There is tension, angst, steam but also heartbreak and emotional turmoil. Overall everything you would expect in a well-written romance novel that once you dive into it’s practically impossible to put down.

I had such a great time reading it and I want to say huge thank you to the author Maggi Clare and for gifting me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.




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