The Certainty of Chance

Author: Jacquelyn Middleton

Genre: Adult Romance

Rating: 4 / 5 stars

What a lovely read this was! The Certainty of Chance is an absolutely heartwarming story about love, loneliness, longing, grief and how the best things in life usually happen when you are expecting them the least.

A few days before Christmas, Madeleine Joy finds herself in a very complicated situation. She’s supposed to spend the holidays with her sister in Paris, however, due to a volcano eruption, all airports are closed and she has no other choice than to stay in London until she can travel again. Not only that but the period coincides with the one-year anniversary of her best friends death. Needless to say, her joyful spirits are nowhere to be found. Until the stars align in her favour and she meets a kind, sweet British guy who takes her on a journey around London with his black cab.

Madeleine didn’t expect her trip to turn out this way but when Julian Halliwell looks at her with longing and understanding in his eyes.. well.. it is impossible to deny their instant connection. Both characters are absolutely amazing and as cliche as it sounds just ‘made for each other’. Both are respectful, caring, kind and strong despite the few setbacks in their lives. I loved, loved, loved Madeleine and Julian’s relationship. We see them quickly become friends and form a real bond over music, books, art, food and the one thing they both struggle with… grief- dealing with the loss a loved one and having no one who understands you. Mrs Jacquelyn Middleton did an amazing job in her portrayal of grief and left an important message for her readers – Every person deals with loss differently, there’s no ‘time-limit’ for feeling sad, there’s no recipe on how to move on. The Certainty Chance was such an emotional journey which definitely made me tear up a couple of times. So so happy both characters found in each other their ‘safe space’.

I need to add an honourable mention for Julian’s friends which were hilarious and supportive throughout the whole book! And of course not to forget poor little Winnie who also got his happy ending!!

The Certainty of Chance is such an atmospheric book which immediately teleports you there with Julian and Madeleine, exploring London during the most beautiful time of the year! This book put me in a wonderful Christmas mood and now all I dream off is booking a one-way ticket to London for the holidays!! Honestly, the whole time while reading I was thinking what a great movie this could be!

Written by Christine

I’m Christine, an avid book lover and if you are reading this now it means we must have something in common – we both love books! So stick around, leave a comment, and don’t forget to get in touch!

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