Through Titan’s Trail

Author: Austin Dragon

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

Through Titan’s Trail is an epic high fantasy series by author Austin Dragon following a peculiar group of people set on the journey of their lifetime where many go but none return.

The story introduces a mysterious person calling himself the ‘Traveller’ and his dog companion who have the important task of gathering a skilful group of people to join the King’s Caravan – a special gathering organised every three years that takes its participants on a dangerous quest from the human realm to long forgotten lands of the Fae where evil lurks in the dark and hinders their journey at every stop. The group has to find a way to survive this dangerous journey and reach the land of Atlantea filled with magic and riches.

I thoroughly enjoyed Through Titan’s Trail – the fantasy elements combined with the medieval setting were great and I loved Austin’s introduction of fantastic creatures and magic. The first book sets up the story for our characters and we gradually discover more details about the quest and their individual journeys. There are some great action scenes and villains you come to despise. My favourite stories to read are about impossible quests with extremely high stakes and reluctant allies all tied together by impeccable world building which is introduced one step at a time so it does not overwhelm the reader! I found the intrigue and action very well balanced just perfect to my liking.

Book one of the saga leaves you with impending questions which I am eager to find out in the next instalments. It is more than certain that the journey has more to bring and I’m curious to see what happens next in the Fabled Quest Chronicles.

It’s a story perfect for fans of Realm Breaker, The Shadow of What Was Lost and Lord of the Rings. Highly recommend!

Thank you to the author and for a gifted copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 



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