Black Sun

Author: Rebecca Roanhorse

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

“A God will return when the Earth and Sky converge under the Black Sun”

The first book in the Between Earth and Sky trilogy Black Sun is a high fantasy inspired by the civilisations of pre-Columbian Americas. It is an incredible tale of destiny, sacrifice, forbidden magic and prophecies. It has such a unique premise which to be honest is quite rare to come across nowadays. I loved the magic element and the impeccable world building. There is so much more to explore but I am sure we will learn all the details in the next instalment of the series. Rebecca Roanhorse did an incredible job in crafting each character individually and making you fall in love with them.

Throughout the book there are multiple POVs. I’m usually not a big fan of such way of narration but in this case it was done nicely and they all cross each others’ paths at the end.

As the story unfolds, we get introduced to a blind young man called Serapio who is destined for a great purpose. All his life he has been ‘shaped’ to become a ‘vessel’ for the Crow God and now he must accomplish his purpose. The second main character is Xiala, a badass ship captain who does not give two flying f-s about anything and oh by the way is a siren!!! Their destinies are intertwined as the girl is tasked with the important mission to transport the young man to Tova under a very short period of time just before the Convergence. Lastly we are introduced to Naranpa, the Sun Priest residing in Tova who fights to maintain her role as the Sun Priest while dealing with the various attempts on her life. All characters have questionable goals and possess morally grey tendencies.

There is plenty of action, political intrigue and adventure. Once you start reading you get immersed into this world and is impossible to put the book down. I couldn’t recommend it more to all the fellow high fantasy lovers. Do yourself a favour and go read this book, I promise you it is worth it.



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