House of Earth and Blood

Author: Sarah J Maas

Genre: Adult Fantasy

Rating: 5 / 5 stars

Looking back on all of the books I’ve finished in 2020, there is one particular that stands out the most and that is no other than House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas. I think it is safe to say that my love for this woman’s writing is astronomical. The feeling you get after you close one of her books does not equal anything else in the entire world.

So this was also the case with Crescent City when I first read it back in April.

This book is such an intense ride. It starts pretty slow, I would admit it was a struggle to get through the first 150-ish pages where you get introduced to all the characters, the world, the magic system, history, etc. The plot follows Bryce Quinlan and her life as a half-human half-fae. After a brutal murder happens one night which affects her directly, she finds herself in the middle of the investigation, eager to avenge the deaths. Her partner and protector during the case is no other than the Archangels personal assassin – Hunt Athalar also known as “The Shadow of Death”. Hunt is a typical SJM male character – brooding, sassy, muscular dude with internal struggles and insecurities. Of course he also happens to be one of the most powerful Angels so yeah Rhys/Rowan vibes all the way. BUT he is also such a softie for his girl a.k.a our badass queen Bryce. I think she might be my new favourite protagonist by SJM so far. I’ve related to her story so much that it just broke my heart. Watching her mourn her best friends, deal with sever depression and anxiety as she puts on a fake smile and tries to survive the next day really hits home… like really hard. This is why I love SJM’s books so much, she dives into serious topics such as mental health so well and you experience everything together with her characters.

Not to mention all side characters which were also so well-written. Damn Danika, Connor.. We’ve met them so briefly but I felt like I’ve known them forever. Then of course Ruhn and his friends.. And don’t even get me started on Lehabah because this one will haunt me till the rest of my life!!!

The plot itself goes from 0 to 100 in just a few pages. It is action-packed and impossible to put down, you just turn page after page after page. In a very SJM fashion, the world-building is on point and I’m sure she has so much more to show in the next couple of books. I found it such a heart touching story about fighting your own demons, sorrow, grief but also finding a way to let go, find inner peace and happiness. I think it’s worthless to say that there were many plot twists and foreshadowing for the next book which I’m absolutely dying to get my hands on right now…

There’s of course the typical SJM romance element in the story but the main emphasis is placed on the strength of a friendship and how such bond can sometimes be stronger than any other relationship (love, family, etc). Did I cry? Yes. Happy tears, sad tears, shock tears, anger tears… just so many tears. I was literally bawling my eyes out for hours after I’ve finished it. When I tell you it is intense, it really was. But all in a good way. I just love books that make you feel so many emotions at once and then you are not able to stop thinking about them for days, if not weeks or in my case the whole freaking year!!

I absolutely recommend it, especially if you are a sucker like me for fae, angels, demons, witches etc. who are fighting for the good in the world against all odds.


1 Comment

  1. Arunima

    omg YES YES YES. I read this last year and still thinking about it. Reading about Danika and Connor, especially that one scene at the very end of the book. I. Was. BAWLING. Just need to get my hands on book two sometime soon now.


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